Mercury in Zodiac Signs

Mercury in Aries
Self - Assured Intellect
This placement of Mercury in Aries indicates that you have a need for mental self-assurance. Aries sign represents desires and actions among other things. Mercury in Aries is assertive intelligence. These natives usually are mentally confident. These natives make quick decisions. They are always speak to the point. They are very direct and sometimes blunt. They might sound aggressive at times. They like to learn things quickly. They are mentally confident in the things they do.
Mercury’s placement in Aries may suggest that there are certain characteristics and traits in your identity.
As Gemini represents flexibility and changeability. Any planet placed in Gemini will try to achieve these things in its own way. Gemini is a mutable air sign. The fire of Aries heats up the Mercury’s air. This is generally a decent placement. These natives prefer not to get into minute details. They are very straight forward in the things they say and they mean what they say. This placement is usually beneficial for starting new things. They are enthusiastic in the things they do. These are the guys for starting new projects. They can also change their attention easily. They like promoting new ideas. You will try to achieve things in mentally confident way.
Mercury in Taurus
Enduring Intellect
This placement of Mercury in Taurus indicates that you have a need for mental security. Taurus sign represents material comfort and endurance among other things. Mercury in Taurus is knowledge of physical security. Mercury owns Virgo which is an earthy sign. So Mercury is very comfortable when placed here. They natives tend to use their mental intelligence in gaining physical security. They achieve this in an enduring way. They are mentally secured in the things they do.
Mercury’s placement in Taurus may suggest that there are certain characteristics and traits in your identity.
As Taurus represents material comfort and endurance. Any planet placed in Taurus will try to achieve these things in its own way. Taurus is a fixed earth sign. As Mercury itself holds an earthy sign Virgo, so he has no real problems in Taurus. These individuals take lot of time to arrive at a decision. They usually achieve those goals. They are very practical and hard working. If they start a project they will definitely finish it. They have well defined tastes. Their senses like smell, taste are strong. Their down to earth nature shows when they speak. You will try to achieve things in mentally secured way.
Mercury in Gemini
Communicative Intellect
This placement of Mercury in Gemini indicates that you have a need for mental communication. Mercury sign represents flexibility and communication among other things. Mercury in Gemini wants to communicate freely more than any planet. Mercury owns Gemini. So this an excellent placement. Gemini’s air adds more strength and freedom to Mercury’s functions. These natives are extremely good in communication. They likely know a little about every subject. They are mentally secured in the things they do.
Mercury’s placement in Gemini may suggest that there are certain characteristics and traits in your identity.
As Gemini represents communication and flexibility. Any planet placed in Gemini will try to achieve these things in its own way. Gemini is a mutable air sign. Mercury here fits right in. These natives have too many interests. They may not stay for too long or get into depth of things on any topic. They are quick learners. They can process information instantly. They have a certain restlessness due to Mercury’s changing nature. They are good and interesting speakers. They are witty at times. They posses a versatile mind. They have a good presence of mind. They don’t get attached to any idea for too long. They are very communicative in the things they do.
Mercury in Cancer
Emotional Intellect
This placement of Mercury in Gemini indicates that you aspire to be mentally emotional. Cancer sign represents emotional security among other things. Mercury in water signs suffers the most. Because water signs are emotional in nature, which is opposite to Mercury’s nature. Mercury wants to operate logically without any emotions, hence the inherent problem in this placement. These natives communicate with feeling. They maybe sensitive in the way they communicate. They are subjective and take things personally. They are mentally emotional in the things they do.
Mercury’s placement in Gemini may suggest that there are certain characteristics and traits in your identity.
As Cancer represents emotional security. Any planet placed in Gemini will try to achieve this in its own way. Cancer is a mutable water sign. The water sign hampers some of the qualities of Mercury. These natives can be good listeners. They have an emotional touch in them. They can remember things from a long time as they give emotional importance to every conversation. They place more importance on emotions of their words. They are usually intuitive, sensitive and gentle in the way they speak. They can easily pick the emotions of the person speaking to them. They are attracted to poetry and different languages. They are emotionally communicative in the things they do.
Mercury in Leo
Creative Intellect
This placement of Mercury in Leo indicates that you need to be mentally creative. Leo sign represents creativity among other things. This is generally a good placement. Leo’s fire provides creative energy to Mercury’s intellect. Mercury performs well in fire signs. Here the creative elements of Mercury are lit up. These natives speak with authority. They want everyone to recognize them. They are very good at promoting new ideas. They are attached to their ideas and opinions. They are mentally creative in the things they do.
Mercury’s placement in Leo may suggest that there are certain characteristics and traits in your identity.
As Leo represents creativity. Any planet placed in Leo will try to achieve this in its own way. Leo is a fixed fire sign. Leo’s fire gives strength to Mercury’s functions in a positive way. These natives can see the bigger picture. There is a warmth in their words. They value self-expression more than anyone. Creativity is most important to these people. They are excellent speakers. They have a certain style in the way they speak. They can be very stubborn sometimes due to fixedness of Leo sign. They are creative in the things they do.
Mercury in Virgo
Analytical Intellect
This placement of Mercury in Virgo indicates that you need to be mentally perfect. Virgo sign represents perfection among other things. Mercury gets exalted here. The only planet to get exalted in his own house. These natives are highly intellectual and analytical. They are extremely practical. They analyze things minutely. They are very research oriented. They are the most useful people in work their place. They are very orderly and organize things neatly. They can easily pick things. They are intellectual in the things they do.
Mercury’s placement in Virgo may suggest that there are certain characteristics and traits in your identity.
As Virgo represents intellectuality and perfection. Any planet placed in Virgo will try to achieve this in its own way. Virgo is a fixed earth sign. Mercury being in the exalted state here functions brilliantly. The fixedness of Virgo directs Mercury to work with form and structure. These natives are usually down to earth people. They are good at organizing things on time. They love getting into the details of most things. They plan any task step by step before starting it and complete it on time. They are self learners. They are intellectual and perfect in the things they do.
Mercury in Libra
Balanced Intellect
This placement of Mercury in Libra indicates that you need to be mentally balanced. Libra sign represents harmony and balance among other things. Mercury is generally well placed in Libra. Libra strengthens Mercury’s airiness. These natives are pleasing to hear. They tend to be diplomatic while they speak. They look for mental balance in any relationships. They are fair in any discussions. They can compromise if things are not working. They are mentally balanced in the things they do.
Mercury’s placement in Libra may suggest that there are certain characteristics and traits in your identity.
As Libra represents harmony and balance. Any planet placed in Virgo will try to achieve this in its own way. Libra is a cardinal air sign. As Mercury is of airy nature it will perform well in Libra. These natives can be good counsellors as they can see both sides of an argument. They can grasp abstract concepts. They think relatively, compare two things to asses what is fair. They can sometimes be stubborn and not take the right decision simply because they want to see the other side of right decision. They are balanced and harmonious in the things they do.
Mercury in Scorpio
Powerful Deep Intellect
This placement of Mercury in Scorpio indicates that you need to mentally function deeply. Scorpio sign represents power and transformation among other things. This is a complicated placement. Any plant sitting in Scorpio faces challenges. As Scorpio is a very deep sign. These individuals want to seek the truth mentally about themselves and others. They are on a quest for knowing the truth. They think beyond what is known, going into depth of things. They can find the source of the problem. They sometimes know things even before it happens. This is because Scorpio is most intuitive sign. They are think deeply in the things they do.
Mercury’s placement in Scorpio may suggest that there are certain characteristics and traits in your identity.
As Scorpio represents power and transformation. Any planet placed in Scorpio will try to achieve these in its own way. Scorpio is a fixed water sign. The fixedness does hinder some of the qualities of Mercury. Here Mercury has to get to the very bottom of the things. These natives can recognize things others can’t. They have instinctive intelligence. They would win in any debates. They defend deeply what they believe in. They love mystery and hidden knowledge. They are deeply involved mentally in the things they do.
Mercury in Sagittarius
Questioning Intellect
This placement of Mercury in Sagittarius indicates that you need to mentally function broadly. Sagittarius sign represents expansiveness beyond the usual horizon among other things. There is an inherent tension in this placement. As Sagittarius wants to explore the whole world, it will create a restlessness to Mercury. Mercury represents the nervous system. So these natives maybe mentally restless. They are usually optimistic in their communication. Their ideas are generally big. They are mentally expansive in the things they do.
Mercury’s placement in Sagittarius may suggest that there are certain characteristics and traits in your identity.
As Sagittarius represents expansion. Any planet placed in Sagittarius will try to achieve this in its own way. Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign. They don’t like to focus on the small things, rather they want to look at the big picture. They maybe philosophical in nature. They may lack patience sometimes. They want to have freedom in the things they learn. You might feel energized and motivated after speaking to these natives. They are interesting speakers, always enthusiastic in the way they talk. They are easy going people by nature. They want to be mentally expansive and have freedom in the things they do.
Mercury in Capricorn
Disciplined Intellect
This placement of Mercury in Capricorn indicates that you need to be mentally disciplined. Capricorn sign represents practicality and discipline among other things. This is usually a good placement for Mercury. As Mercury owns an earthy sign Virgo. It does well in Capricorn. These natives are very practical and hard working. They write methodologically. They want proper structure and order. They break down their work into small parts and work step by step. They are mentally disciplined in the things they do.
Mercury’s placement in Capricorn may suggest that there are certain characteristics and traits in your identity.
As Capricorn represents discipline and hard work. Any planet placed in Capricorn will try to achieve these things in its own way. Capricorn is a cardinal earth sign. These natives work well when they have defined everything before starting a project. They want everyone to respect their words. They may sound strict and judgmental when they speak. They always speak to the point and hate wasting time. They can make good lawyers. They want to be mentally disciplined and practical in the things they do.
Mercury in Aquarius
Independent Intellect
This placement of Mercury in Aquarius indicates that you need to function mentally with originality and freedom. Aquarius sign represents originality and freedom among other things. Mercury is again placed well in Aquarius. Since Mercury is of airy nature Aquarius adds more airiness and strength to Mercury’s functions. These natives may sound unconventional when they speak. These are the rule breakers. They can expose people for what they are. They have very good intellect. They are mentally free in the things they do.
Mercury’s placement in Aquarius may suggest that there are certain characteristics and traits in your identity.
As Aquarius represents originality and freedom. Any planet placed in Aquarius will try to achieve these things in its own way. Aquarius is a fixed air sign. This fixed sign doesn’t restrict Mercury’s abilities in any way. These natives are intellectual. They are quick and alert. They love to debate and win. They might force their ideas on others. They don’t like it when someone orders them order. They are unconventional. They are draw towards science and research oriented subjects. They like to think they are helping the mankind. They want to be mentally free and original in the things they do.
Mercury in Pisces
Indefinite Intellect
This placement of Mercury in Pisces indicates that you need to function mentally without any artificial boundaries. Pisces sign represents creativity and boundary less-ness among other things. Here Mercury gets debilitated. Mercury always struggles in water signs. The dissipating, watery and changing energy of Pisces creates a difficulty for Mercury’s mentally defined structure. These natives are soft communicators. They make good listeners. They are moody in their communications. They are mentally emotional in the things they do.
Mercury’s placement in Pisces may suggest that there are certain characteristics and traits in your identity.
As Pisces represents creativity and spirituality. Any planet placed in Aquarius will try to achieve these things in its own way. Pisces is a mutable water sign. These natives pick up unusual information. They try not to hurt anyone’s feeling when they speak. They are driven more by intuition than facts. They are not detail oriented in the things they do. They tend to rely on intuition. They have a knack for picking up unusual information. They have unique insight into things. They dream of big things in life. They want to be mentally creative and intuitive in the things they do.