Mercury in Aries Ascendant

Mercury in different houses for Aries Ascendant
Mercury owns 3rd and 6th house for Aries ascendent. It is considered as functional malefic for this ascendant. It is enemy of Mars. Les discuss the effects of Mercury in different houses.
Mercury in first house for Aries Ascendant
Mercury here is placed in the ascendant itself in Aries sign. Mercury is usually strong in the ascendant as it gains digbala in this house. Here the native is a quick thinker. Since Mercury owns 6th house, the natives might face some problems related to skin. Mercury is not comfortable in fire signs. Because Mercury uses logic, in a fire sign actions speak louder than thoughts. Mercury if placed with Sun might give good results as Sun gets exalted in Aries. These natives are usually easy going people in life. These natives should take care of their health in great deal. This is a general explanation. Any conjunction or aspect can change the planet behaviour completely. Proper prediction can only be done by looking at complete horoscope.
Mercury in second house for Aries Ascendant
Mercury here is placed in the second house in Taurus sign. This is definitely better placement compared to the previous one. Here Mercury is placed in its best friend Venus’s house. Mercury usually does very well in earthy and airy signs. But the native has to be very wise in taking loans, as Mercury owns 6th house. If placed very then it means native earns through loans and investments. Since Mercury is also karak for business here the native with the help of loans grow his wealth. This is a general explanation. Any conjunction or aspect can change the planet behaviour completely. Proper prediction can only be done by looking at complete horoscope.
Mercury in third house for Aries Ascendant
Mercury here is placed in the third house in Gemini sign. The best placement as it is seated in oits own house. These natives are excellent communicators. They would do very well in communication related jobs. This placement may also make people turn into writers. They can aslo be working in Media as Anchors, Hosts, etc. They have good sense of humor. They can even be stand up comedians. These natives are usually very talkative. They have excellent relationship with their younger siblings. Overall very good placement. This is a general explanation. Any conjunction or aspect can change the planet behaviour completely. Proper prediction can only be done by looking at complete horoscope.
Mercury in fourth house for Aries Ascendant
Mercury here is placed in the forth house in Cancer sign. This is a very difficult placement. Mercury usually struggles most in watery signs. Reason being Mercury is a planet of Logic. It looses its logic in watery signs, as watery signs are more of emotional signs. But here if aspected the house owner these natives will develop high intuition and imagination. If not placed well then these natives face some problems in their domestic lives. This is a general explanation. Any conjunction or aspect can change the planet behaviour completely. Proper prediction can only be done by looking at complete horoscope.
Mercury in fifth house for Aries Ascendant
Mercury here is placed in the fifth house in Leo sign. This is a better placement than previous one. Here Mercury is in its friend’s house. These natives are usually very creative. But one of issue might be with progeny. As Mercury owns 6th house and is placed in 5th house, there might be delay in child birth. If placed with Sun then there won’t be much of an issue. These natives are usually fun loving people. These natives might have short romantic affairs. This is a general explanation. Any conjunction or aspect can change the planet behavior completely. Proper prediction can only be done by looking at complete horoscope.
Mercury in sixth house for Aries Ascendant
Mercury here is placed in the sixth house in Virgo sign. The best placement as it is seated in its own house. Here Mercury gets exalted. These natives are perfectionists, especially at work. As sixth house is related to daily routine. These natives are punctual. They have knack for minute details. They would be perfect in their work. They would be very organised in their day to day life. They would be able to clear competitive exams with little efforts. Overall an excellent placement. This is a general explanation. Any conjunction or aspect can change the planet behaviour completely. Proper prediction can only be done by looking at complete horoscope.
Mercury in seventh house for Aries Ascendant
Mercury here is placed in the seventh house in Libra sign. Mercury usually does very well in ariy signs. And Venus is Mercury’s best friend. This should be an easy placement. But fir Aries ascendant Mercury owns 6th house. So there might be lot of fights with partner. The partner might try to find mistakes in native. The native might get an intelligent partner. If placed with Sun and Sun gets debilitated in Libra, this could be a worse placement. This is a general explanation. Any conjunction or aspect can change the planet behaviour completely. Proper prediction can only be done by looking at complete horoscope.
Mercury in eight house for Aries Ascendant
Mercury here is placed in the eight house in Scorpio sign. Mercury will struggle here a lot. Generally any planet other than Saturn struggle in eight house. Scorpio is the most complicated sign in astrology. Mercury is also placed in a watery sign. So Mercury struggles to make use of its knowledge. But if placed well then this person will develop intuition. If placed with Sun then the native might struggle in area of progeny. This is a general explanation. Any conjunction or aspect can change the planet behavior completely. Proper prediction can only be done by looking a t complete horoscope.
Mercury in ninth house for Aries Ascendant
Mercury here is placed in the ninth house in Sagittarius sign. It is placed in the exact opposite to its own sign Gemini. So one advantage of this placement it is very good for the third house, as Mercury is aspecting its own house. This placement gives rise to Techers, spekaers, authors, writers. If placed with Sun this a very good placement, as Sun is powerful in fire sign. The natives might be interested in learning foreign languages and their culture. This is a general explanation. Any conjunction or aspect can change the planet behavior completely. Proper prediction can only be done by looking at complete horoscope.
Mercury in tenth house for Aries Ascendant
Mercury here is placed in the tenth house in Capricorn sign. This is a good placement for Mercury. Any connection between 6th and 10th house is usually good. Mercury does well in earthy signs. Here in Capricorn the natives work’s in logical and orderly manner. The native a lot before taking any step in work. If placed with this is an excellent placement as Sun gets digbala in 10th house. The native may achieve heights in their profession. This is a general explanation. Any conjunction or aspect can change the planet behavior completely. Proper prediction can only be done by looking a t complete horoscope.
Mercury in eleventh house for Aries Ascendant
Mercury here is placed in the eleventh house in Aquarius sign. This is also a good placement for Mercury. Here the native uses his ideas to generate income. The native might be a very good business man. These natives are creative thinkers. Mercury operates at ease in airy sign. This might also be a placement for research. The native will have lot of fun loving friends. This placement challenges the traditional stuff around others. This placement might make the native famous among his circle, if placed well can take the individual to heights. This is a general explanation. Any conjunction or aspect can change the planet behaviour completely. Proper prediction can only be done by looking a t complete horoscope.
Mercury in twelfth house for Aries Ascendant
Mercury here is placed in the twelfth house in Aquarius sign. This is difficult position for Mercury. As it is debilitated in sign of Pisces. But one advantage of this position is Mercury is aspecting its own house i.e Virgo. These natives can think beyond the realm of this world. This position gives high intuitions and imagination powers. If placed well these natives can turn into authors working in fiction genre, as Pisces is a sign of a dreamer. If placed with Sun then this placement might be troublesome. This is a general explanation. Any conjunction or aspect can change the planet behavior completely. Proper prediction can only be done by looking at complete horoscope.