Mars in Taurus Ascendant

Mars in different houses for Taurus Ascendant
Mars owns 7th and 12th house for Pisces ascendant. Even though Mars owns two eight house house it is considered as more of a benific for this ascendant, as it is Ascendant lord.
Mars in first house for Taurus Ascendant
Mars here is placed in the first house in Taurus sign. Mars struggles a bit in earthy sign except Capricorn. One advantage of this position is Mars aspects its own house. So it is good for the seventh house. These native get a partner who is grounded and a bit stubborn. These natives are more action oriented. But most of their actions is in controlled manner. They work hard towards things they want. This is a general explanation. Any conjunction or aspect can change the planet behaviour completely. Proper prediction can only be done by looking at complete horoscope.
Mars in second house for Taurus Ascendant
Mars here is placed in the second house in Gemini sign. Mars struggles a bit in airy signs. Here Mars is placed in its core enemy’s house ie. Mercury. These natives get a partner who has high mental energy. The partner of native might be argumentative type. This position also creates problem with family. There may be constant fights and disagreements in family. The native has to learn to be very patient with their partner. This is a general explanation. Any conjunction or aspect can change the planet behaviour completely. Proper prediction can only be done by looking at complete horoscope.
Mars in third house for Taurus Ascendant
Mars here is placed in the third house in Cancer sign. Mars fairs decently in watery signs except Cancer. Here Mars is debilitated. The partner of natives are usually timid and slow in their approach. Much of the problems reduce if it is aspected by Moon. There may be lot of fights and disagreements with the partner. Their partners have high emotional energy and don’t prefer to argue or fight with others. There may be difference of opinion with siblings. This is a general explanation. Any conjunction or aspect can change the planet behaviour completely. Proper prediction can only be done by looking at complete horoscope.
Mars in fourth house for Taurus Ascendant
Mars here is placed in the fourth house in Leo sign. Mars does very well in fire signs. Here Mars is placed in its friend’s house. Their partners are very energetic and they are very confident in nature. But it’s hard to convince them if they had set their eyes on something. This position also creates good yoga to buy lands and immovable properties. Their may be fights and disagreements in domestic life.
Mars is aspecting 7th house, so this is a good placement. This is a general explanation. Any conjunction or aspect can change the planet behaviour completely. Proper prediction can only be done by looking at complete horoscope.
Mars in fifth house for Taurus Ascendant
Mars here is placed in the fifth house in Virgo sign. Mars struggles a bit in earthy sign except Capricorn. Here it is placed in its enemy’s house. These natives are competitive in nature. They get a partner who is more practical than action oriented. Their partners can be very picky, trying to find even small mistakes. But Mars placement in fifth house creates some problems in progeny, as Mars also owns 12th house. This is a general explanation. Any conjunction or aspect can change the planet behaviour completely. Proper prediction can only be done by looking at complete horoscope.
Mars in sixth house for Taurus Ascendant
Mars here is placed in the sixth house in Libra sign. Mars struggles a bit in airy signs. One advantage of this position is Mars is aspecting its own house. It is good for 12th house. But 7th lord placed in 6th house is difficult position. But planets like Mars, Sun and Saturn usually does well in 6th house. As 6th house is house of enemies and these planets defeat their enemies. There will be lots of fights and disagreements with their partners. The partner of the native tries to balance things. This is a general explanation. Any conjunction or aspect can change the planet behaviour completely. Proper prediction can only be done by looking at complete horoscope.
Mars in seventh house for Taurus Ascendant
Mars here is placed in the seventh house in Scorpio sign. Here it is placed in its own house. This is a very powerful position of Mars. This is the most difficult placement for Mars, also known as mangal dosh. They get partners natives who are usually power hungry and they can take any route for the things they desire in life. Their partners have high intuition powers. Once they set their eyes on something they will definitely achieve it. But as Mars is placed in its own house ultimately things are under control. This is a general explanation. Any conjunction or aspect can change the planet behaviour completely. Proper prediction can only be done by looking at complete horoscope.
Mars in eight house for Taurus Ascendant
Mars here is placed in the eight house in Sagittarius sign. Mars does very well in fire signs. Here Mars is placed in its friend’s house. This position is also called mangal dosh. Also placement of 7th lord in 8th is not good. The native gets a partner who is very dominating. There will be constant fights and disagreements. As Mars is aspecting second house there will be problems in family. If Jupiter is aspecting Mars then much of the problems reduce. This is a general explanation. Any conjunction or aspect can change the planet behaviour completely. Proper prediction can only be done by looking at complete horoscope.
Mars in ninth house for Taurus Ascendant
Mars here is placed in the ninth house in Capricorn sign. Here Mars is exalted. The best placement for this ascendant. They are blessed with an excellent partner. Their partners are grounded in their approach and do things with a long term thinking. They are ambitious, driven and hard working. They don’t look for short cuts in life. Their anger, energy, aggression, desires everything is in controlled manner. 7th lord placed in 9th house is usually good. This is a general explanation. Any conjunction or aspect can change the planet behaviour completely. Proper prediction can only be done by looking at complete horoscope.
Mars in tenth house for Taurus Ascendant
Mars here is placed in the tenth house in Aquarius sign. Mars struggles a bit in airy signs. Mars is placed in its enemy’s house. These natives are desirous in nature. These natives hold on to their views stubbornly. Their may get a partner who is unconventional in their approach. Their partner is ready to fight for what they believe. They are blessed in profession. They may be leaders wherever they work. They definitely reach heights in their carrier. This is a general explanation. Any conjunction or aspect can change the planet behaviour completely. Proper prediction can only be done by looking at complete horoscope.
Mars in eleventh house for Taurus Ascendant
Mars here is placed in the eleventh house in Pisces sign. Mars fairs decently in watery signs except Cancer. Here it is placed in its friend’s house. Usually 7tj lord placed in 11th is very good. They get a partner who usually don’t argue or fight. Their partners tend to be a bit peace loving. These natives might put their physical energy into making something creative. Their partner might prefer to be have more alone time. This is also a good position for business, but the native has to be careful as Mars also owns 12th house. This is a general explanation. Any conjunction or aspect can change the planet behaviour completely. Proper prediction can only be done by looking at complete horoscope.
Mars in twelfth house for Taurus Ascendant
Mars here is placed in the twelfth house in Aries sign. Here Mars is placed in its own house. They get partners who are are action oriented people. They are go getters. Their actions speak more than words. Their partners charge ahead first and then think. They definitely have a temper even if they don’t show to it others. Mars puts an aspect on its won house i.e. 7th house from here. So this a very powerful position for this ascendant. This is a general explanation. Any conjunction or aspect can change the planet behaviour completely. Proper prediction can only be done by looking at complete horoscope.